lumber mill

英 美
  • n. 锯木厂(制材厂)
  • lumbaginous adj.[医]腰痛的;腰肌痛的
  • lumbago n.(风湿所致的)腰痛
  • lumbar adj.腰的;腰部的n.腰动脉;腰神经;腰椎
  • lumber n.木材;木料v.伐木vi.缓慢地移动vt.拖累
  • lumber mill n.锯木厂(制材厂)
名词 lumbermill:
  1. a mill for dressing logs and lumber

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. They hauled timber to a saw - mill.
    2. I had some hazy idea that money was the problem, and the mill was not making much of it.

lumber mill的相关资料:
